Trial Information
Please check for details
Waiuta Lodge has been booked for 2 night, arrive 10th March and leave on the 12th March
Fee for trip has been set at $250 per person for the whole trip, if only part-of then $25/day
This is cover misc expenses, like access fees and a drink for the land owner.
If money is not spent it will be divvied up and returned somehow.
Cash only on the day
Get your spares kit in order now, Brake n Clucth levers, sprockets n chain, oil filter if required, wheel bearings etc. You know the drill.
You can ride any or all of the days to suit yourself and some non-riders will be attending and will arrange other activities.
Spread the word as we would love to see you there
Any suggestions to change will be considered.
Updates will be via email
Contact John Lawton 027 623 3011 /
or Kim Pedersen 0274 925 158 /
Updated every few days
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